It seems that most any member of corporate E staff should be considered for the title, “Domestic Terrorist”.
How else can anyone explain this?
Representative Katie Porter (D), from California, in 2018 deposed JP Morgan’s billionaire CEO, Jamie Dimon. His compensation package affords him a very comfortable life style to the tune of $30+ million a year. I’m sure it also includes stocks and many many perks. So he’s never going to want for anything. Unfortunately, Jamie’s employees aren’t so lucky.
Katie outlines the living conditions for one of his branch employees in Southern California. Watch the video for details. In the end, it’s apparent this employee who, by all accounts is working a “very good full time job” for a very large bank and has more month than money. She’s in the hole $500+ dollars, every month.
Let me be crystal clear. The $500 deficit she’s running is for basic living expenses. Rent, shelter, food, utilities, and transportation. There are no more corners for this woman to cut.
Katie asks him if he had any advice for his employee. She is working full time at a job most anyone would consider a good job.
He shuffled around and tries to deflect. Katie asks if he would recommend opening a credit account at his bank and just run a deficit every month.
Katie is met with a blank stare and essentially, “If she is not budgeting right…”
This privileged, old white guy, making more that $30 million each year, thinks someone running a $500 deficit each month for basic living expenses can budget her way out of the hole he put her in.
That’s the only solution he sees. Let that sink in.
During this whole thing, it never occurred to him that maybe the multibillion dollar corporation he is the CEO of should pay her a living wage.
He likely has an account at his own bank. I mean, if he doesn’t, I’d never bank there. But assuming he does, he’s trusting his own employees that he now knows don’t make enough to live on with his money.
This leads me to the conclusion that he’s ok with the fact he’s living comfortably on more than an average person will need, while the people that create his wealth for him are swiftly moving toward homelessness.
California! Do not let Katie get away! We need many more like her. She’s a representative for the 47th district. She is currently running for senate vs Senator Adam Schiff. Schiff is 65 and should step down.
Another point in Katie’s favor. She does not accept corporate donations to her election campaign. You can donate directly here if you wish.
Let the Millennials and beyond create their own future. It’s their right.