Taylor Swift: A Good Role Model in the Modern World
This is my response to the attached Newsweek opinion piece: Taylor Swift is Not a Good Role Model.
This assessment is so misogynistic, out of touch, and dead wrong. I hope the author gets an earful from many owners of uteri.
The ONLY criteria for what makes a good role model are:
- Are they a good person who lives a good life without causing harm to others?
- Do they use their resources for good?
- Are they working to better themselves?
- Are they doing what they can to improve the community, state, nation, and the world?
Whether they have kids, a spouse, a life partner, a dog, a cat, a chinchilla, or a tarantula is utterly irrelevant. It’s only necessary if one believes we need more humans on the planet. Generally, the only people who feel that way are corporate executives looking to increase profits forever, politicians looking for more votes or people to send to war, or religious people wanting to increase the flock.
Anyone with a modicum of education knows our planet is getting closer to capacity. It may be past the point of stability. Have you seen the mega-storms and mega-wildfires in the past few years? The world is suffering due to overpopulation and resource depletion. It may already be too late to stop the changes that will end Homo sapiens as a species. We must think about sustainability in everything we do. Besides our finite resources, we also have finite room for refuse.
It’s up to the womb’s owner to decide if it will ever have a resident. They may choose to get advice from a trusted life partner or doctor, but the choice is ultimately theirs alone.
So suck it, Newsweek, and here’s your award for “I want to go back before 1973 when women were second-class citizens.” This attitude belongs in the proverbial dumpster, along with “keep ’em barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.” Did you ask your wife for a samich?
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