It’s not socialism


It’s not actually socialism. How does giving them food, health care, or even emotional support satisfy the definition of socialism?

To wit: the definition of socialism:

“A Political and Economic Theory of Social Organization Which Advocates that the means of Production, Distribution, and exchange Should Be Owned or Regulated by the Community as a whole.”

I do not see collectively owned or regulated in any of that. It could be satisfied quite easily in a capitalistic system. It could also be satisfied with a communist system.

It’s like there was a knee jerk reaction to anything benefitting someone else and attached the word “free” so it must be bad, and therefore, socialism.

Never mind we have socialist programs throughout our country and throughout our history.

But do go on about this apparent socialism ruining our children through kindness. Because feeding someone, healing someone and treating someone nicely is socialism.

SMH at the superior intellect of the party formerly of law and order.

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